Month: May 2007


    Gardeny Goodness, With Flowers

    (with a thrilling photo of our laundry line and other stuff)

     The kids and I have planted:

    ~ peas



    ~chards, spinach



    ~brussels sprouts


    ~ two kinds of eggplant (12 plants)

    ~red cabbage

    ~27 tomato plants

    ~9 pepper plants


    ~onion sets


    I still need to put in the corn, beans, squash and melons this afternoon (the pace is dependent on how much “help” I have).  I am letting go of the part of me that desires tidy rows; I want the kids to truly be a part of the garden.

    Perhaps we will have less vegetables (or more) or crooked rows or bare spots. 

    But it will belong to all of us.


    It’s A Bird!


    Here, these are for you

    Oh my darling Columbine

    keeping up with the currants

    I squeal for Solomon’s Seal

    these lilacs smell like lilacs

    there is this

    and then, this


    The laundry line, as promised

    The Other Stuff

    ~The windmill contractor is in motion and should begin next week!   

    ~ We are picking up our bees tomorrow, it should prove to be a very exciting afternoon, wahoo!

    ~ A Friend is coming this weekend to play with us, wahoo!

     Ain’t life grand?



    Just So You Know




    I won’t ever tire of this…

    (posted public, with permission)



    The Colors In A Day










    Don’t forget the red



    It’s a pretty little life.


  • Picture Pages, Picture Pages


    Seven Years Ago Today


    Six Years Ago Today

    Five Years Ago Today

    Four Years Ago Today

    Three Years Ago Today

    Two Years Ago Today

    One Year Ago Today


    Time, you can slow down now.



    Perfect Timing

    Roo likes to talk on the phone, to anyone.  If the phone rings, she dances and squeals and shrieks,   ”Who is it? Is it Auntie? Is the phone call for me? Can I talk to the person, can I, can I?”

    She cannot help herself and it can be quite distracting for me when I really need to talk business for a minute.

    Lately we have had the good fortune of receiving a rash of wrong number calls.  I am not sure why but they just keep on coming, coming, coming:

    “hello is murgelfiend there?”


    “it’s me, is frenchiefinkletoes there?”

    And I say, “sure, hold on a second” and I hand the phone to Roo.

    She does love to talk.


  • A Meme for five in the morning because Roo is awake and so I am awake and my brain is all a-swirl

    Hi, Five

    (you may not know this about me)

    Five Things I Have

    ~A very nice hand crank ice cream maker

    ~A very old and loved pair of Dansko clogs (one of only 3 pairs of shoes because I like to keep it simple)

    ~A Sexy Tractor

    ~Jockey underwear

    ~Albums, and LOADS of them

    Five Things I Should Get Rid of

    ~size 10 pants

    ~posters from college

    ~non-fluorescent light bulbs

    ~scrunchies (don’t say a word)


    Five Things I Wish I Had Kept

    ~that coffee grinder

    ~silk screen equipment

    ~journals from high school


    ~early paintings

    Five Things I Would Love to Have

    ~Chickens and goats

    ~A working plow truck

    ~Cabinet doors in the kitchen

    ~A turntable for all the albums

    ~hybrid vehicle

                                                     I was five years old once.



                                                        Want to play?



    Free Brain Sludge

    (with amusements)

    A LIST

    ~The garden needs a second tilling with manure added

    ~Pregnancy photo shoot tomorrow, must tidy up (shove stuff under other stuff or behind stuff)

    ~need to finish painting Roo’s room (for some reason I am stalling on this)

    ~I need to freeze and can fiddleheads while they are still in season.  I am going to can dilled fiddleheads this year as well.

    ~I need to finish organizing our office (75% done!)

    ~work on custom tapestries

    ~set up the beehive as we are picking up the bees next week

    ~need to have Jesse’s (homeschooling) review finished for the state




    These babies are cheap, but they all come with issues

    This Sounds Simple Enough

    They make a clicking sound when you bite them

    (and watch out for maple syrup, you’ll never get that stuff out)

    There is no way he is not married

    This “Show” Is Running Seven Nights A Week

    Bonus Whining/ Self Examination

    I am distracted and fidgety lately, it must be spring.  I feel like writing but the words don’t flow or they trip over themselves and I find myself frustrated.  I feel like I have a million things I’d like to do but then I dig my heels in when I tell myself to get cracking

    I feel like I am trying to tell myself something but am too distracted to listen. 




    Roo at 3.5

    “I am three and one half years old and I love my dress.  My dress is purple and it goes swish when I walk but when I stand very still, my dress is quiet like me.”



    I want to be just like her when I grow up.




    Mama Bird, Mama Bird,

    Sitting in a tree





    One Fine Day In May