Month: September 2009

  • Dear Xanga,

            I am uncertain if you are aware of this, but you seem to have misplaced another one of my posts in the ABYSS.  I was innocently plodding along, writing happily and drinking tea when POOF it disappeared like so many Shriners after a parade.   Listen Xanga, this may have been my very first post without photographs EVER  and I was feeling rather proud of myself for that when you pulled the rug out from under me and now I am uncertain I have it in me to do it again. 

        How can you sleep nights, you toady little bag of gym socks?

            love always,




    Self Portrait Challenge
    September’s theme: portals (week 3)

    spcicon_portals_43 by Jeremy Stockwell.



    See more SPC entries HERE.


  • Four Days, Three Nights

     at West Quoddy Head, Maine

    (where we saw Minke Whales, Porpoises, Harbor Seals, Eagles, and a multitude of birds and small aquatic creatures)

    It was pure heaven.


    All Of This, In One Morning

    She wakes early because there are things she wants to do and she wants to get a head start on eating breakfast and trying on 32 pairs of pjs and unrolling toilet paper on the dog. These things take time.

    It feels good to be awake because it does

    after breakfast, we race out to check the Russian Olive berries which are nearly ripe and she tells me about the other berries she has loved all summer long and how she will miss them in the winter but then it will be spring again and there will be more berries.

    it is her very own love story.

    and then she is tired and wants to walk back to the house for tea but not before stopping to be certain there are no more raspberries. “It is late in the season” I tell her, and this is not likely.

    But we find some anyway because she is five and sometimes berries appear because she loves them so much she wills them into growing.

    and then it is time for a two minutes of loud, passionate playing on her keyboard before sleeping

    While I drink my tea and watch her sleep, Jesse comes in to show me something very exciting, A CAN SHAPED SNACK. He could not be more thrilled that his Annies O’s are standing on their own and tries to heat them up without disturbing their form.

    Roo wakes, and she hurries to put on her favorite dress because she wants to wear it in the fields and in the woods and under the apple trees.

    and then we run to the apple trees because it feels good to run and breathe and be alive

    we find many apples, each one as exciting as the last.

    we eat 3 apples each and we stop to rest for a few

    this is important

    Jesse brings us this

    and loses his mind from happiness because it can do this

    then we go looking for caterpillars, voles, mushrooms, berries, snakes and birds

    we find some

    she calls this one Buttcrack Fungus and I am inclined to agree

    he is amused by this

    she finds a red Bellied snake

    she holds it like this and tells me how it’s eyes are cloudy but this is ok because it will shed it’s skin soon and then it will be able to see everything clearly again.

    he sits in his favorite apple tree for at least an hour because he can

    I lay down for nap in the field because I have been working late at night when they sleep and I am so tired.  When I wake, I find that she has pilfered my scarf and is delighted with her stolen bounty

    I retrieve my scarf by tickling her into submission and then I smile at her because we both know she will be back for more.


      It doesn’t get any better than this.



  • Blueberry Pancakes 


    we pour the juice while they cook because it is hard to wait and it helps to find something to do


    yes there are blueberries inside but it is important to also have blueberries perched on top

    pancakes so good they are gone in a blur

    whipped cream is also nice

    she is telling me about the whipped cream and how it looks sadder than it tastes.

    this is how I make gluten-free, dairy-free pancakes:

    2-3 cups of Red Mill gluten free pancake mix

    2 eggs

    2 T oil

    Rice Dream, as needed to make the batter the right consistency


     TA DA.

  • 10 Confessions

    Because MooncatBlue told me to

    (she threatened to send chupacabras to steal my underwear if I did not comply so what choice did I have.)

    1. I am deathly afraid of seahorses, I know this is not logical in any sense but when I see images of them I want to faint.  This fear adds an element of risk to visiting aquariums.
    2. I am not a patient person. I might appear patient but I have to work my hardest at not yelling “come on, get the lead out” at any number of people and situations. When I manage to control this part of myself and behave in a calm and patient manner, I feel nothing less than victorious. This happens 37 times a day.
    3. I will do anything to avoid washing silverware and will let it pile in the sink for days until we run out of spoons or Trevor comes home and washes them (whichever comes first)
    4. I will also do anything to avoid putting laundry away, I will happily wash and hang and fold laundry but will feign any number of illnesses to avoid actually putting the stuff in my drawers. ha ha,  i said “stuff in my drawers”.
    5. Sometimes I hide behind my camera.
    6. I only shaved one armpit last week; I was taking a bath before bed and was extremely tired. It was not until an hour later that this occurred to me. I am ashamed to admit it took me another 24 hours before I bothered to “even things out”.
    7. I will not throw out underwear until the elastic is shot; this is the point where I cannot tell the waist from the leg holes and invariably end up putting them on all crookedly and have to cut them off because this is easier than taking off my pants (see impatience, #2).
    8. I’m on Facebook and sometimes I even post things there.
    9. I don’t act it but I am really pretty angry about having asthma and about missing out on so much these past few years because I couldn’t breathe.
    10. I might be blogging again.  I say might because if I say I AM blogging again but have a hard time blogging and change my mind then I end up feeling badly about it.  But I think I have found my spark again, I just don’t want to scare it away by talking about it. Oh wait, did I do that just now? Shhhh.

    If you would like to confess then consider yourself tagged (if you are having a hard time with motivation let me know and I can send mooncatblue’s chupacabra along to steal your underpants since mine were not worth stealing).

  • Self Portrait Challenge
    September’s theme: portals

    Another Portal

    This is where the sleeping happens and sometimes the not sleeping and this is where we hold our children during the night and this is where he keeps his papers and all that he writes and this is where I sometimes go for quiet, when I want to write things down.

    This is where i feel most vulnerable. When night falls and I fear that they need me more than I can give fully and I worry about how fast life is passing, this is where I lay and hope that everything will turn out for the best while knowing that life does not always work that way.

    This is also where we wake up with the sun and begin the day by laughing or talking about bees and this is where I paint when I feel like painting and this is where I keep the blanket she crocheted for me when I was so very small and this is where he and I look across the bed at one another and whisper about love as they are sleeping and this is between us.

    when I climb these stairs, I am my truest self.

    More SPC entries here

  •  Gold Panning, The Truth, Cookie of Doom
    A few days ago we went panning for gold on a river in western Maine.  We didn’t discover any gold but instead found spring salamanders and enjoyed lunch with our toes in the icy waters.

    Jesse decided yesterday that he wanted to make an entire batch of cookie dough and then bake it up as one enormous cookie of doom.
    So he did.

    apparently, it did not taste like doom

    The Truth

    The truth is that a plane truly did drop candy out of the sky; our town has a yearly weekend celebration which culminates in events at the airport. This year a plane dropped candy in the open field and the kids chased it down.

    It was like something from a dream.

  • Candyland

    Would you believe me if I told you that a plane dropped candy out of the sky and
    they ran to gather it?

    I swear it’s true.

  • Garden Joy