Month: February 2008


    Life, Games, Big Bad Hair

    We get up very early in the morning so we can play games right away

    she says beds are only good for jumping on

    I tell them I love them because they are my sweet babies with their jumping and whooting and will always love them even when I put the headphones on because my head feels like imploding from the cacophony of joy that is so wonderful I am unsure if I can take even one more second.

    this is me saying, I love you, I love you.

    this is roo saying, I love you too

    Wait, what is this? Oh no, I threw out all of my scrunchies in 1989? This is clearly someone elses head!

    lastly, for kicks:

    What not to crochet

    The Gallery of Regrettable Food



    Like A Needle in A Catstack

    The Cat

    The other night I was up late felting and Nina ran by my felting goods and grabbed a thread hanging off a needle.  She started playing with it and when i moved to stop her, she grabbed it and ran.  Trevor tried to tackle her to grab it but she ran and SWALLOWED the needle as she hauled kitty tushie.

    I kid you not.

    So we called the nearest 24 hour vet and they said to keep an eye on her until morning and bring her in to our vet immediately.  The vet performed surgery and they extracted it from her throat (where it was lodged!). She is doing fine now, eating and playing and doing her kitty thing.

    She gets bored of me, see?

    The ACTUAL needle that was inside my cat.



    So tell me, what freak thing has your pet eaten?




                           A Sticky Situation

    (wee disclaimer: not my idea!)


    I make my kids my priority

    stuck on you baby

    this can not be legal

    so lovely to look at, so painful to remove

    (helful hint for removal: it takes 20 minutes in the tub for every 37 stickers you put on)

    P.S. Jesse says, “please, please do NOT try to make pants with the stickers, just trust me on this one, ok?”



  • Stuff

    (life, with scattered oddities)

    One boy, six seconds

    Trev took Roo out for her very first snowshoeing expedition and it lasted 3 minutes and 24 seconds, the end.


    a marriage made in the very best trailer park that heaven has to offer.

    A nice, quiet place.

    Today we are playing games and drinking cocoa and laughing.  The snow is so deep, I cannot imagine the melt and yet I know it will be here before long.  We taste the tomatoes from summer and we are so very glad. 

      My breathing was horribly strained last week but is good today; I am seeing a specialist in a month and am hoping she can provide some insight into what is going on in me.  For now, I am cleaning all the imperfect bits out of my diet in the hopes of boosting my immune system more; I have been off sugar for two weeks and am feeling quite good.  In  a few weeks or so, I will add honey and syrup back into my diet and see how that goes. The first few days held the most cravings, but it gets easier by the day.

    If you could see me now, you would see me in my jeans, long john top and mussed hair, all red cheeked and clutching my little seed catalogues in fierce desperation.

    What are you clinging to these days?





     (The snow, games we play, art, etc)


    it snows too much, the end.

    vitamin C is good for you

    this 200 year old house has 200 year old doors

    wearing thin

    skull, submerged


    Look at this!

    I have been meaning to write about this amazing painting i got from juneblue, it sits on my kitchen wall and I just love it so.

    her shop is here.


    Random games we play in our house

    ~name that puddle

    ~toilet paper races down the stairs

    ~cross dressing the cat

    ~massive tinfoil ball competition

    ~3 day non-stop carb festival of champions.


    The End.




    Ice, and An Unexpected Newness 


    While i held these petals, it occurred to me that i have never before felt a flower melt so softly into my palm.

    Every day is new.



    Submersion Series

    (part 37)