Month: October 2007


    Life, etc

    It is hard to find the time to blog sometimes.  There are days when i blog in my mind; writing it all down as if I am sharing it with you.   Then I come here, with five minutes to write and think, where did the time go?  What do i have to say, really? But every now and then I find a window of time and the words are there and it all falls out on the pages and I am glad.

    I am feeling better; still very wheezy but brighter and more with it. Trevor says my eyes are shining again, that seems like a good sign.  This illness has made me long for winter even more; I am ready to slow down and rest a bit.

    Nina is ready, too.

    Lucy just wants to know where her frisbee is

    We are off to a halloween party today, the kids are wild with excitement as the next 48 hours are bound to be treat filled and shriek heavy.  Roo is dressing as a dragon and Jesse as a transformer. Pictures to follow.


    I have a secret Etsy pumpkin and she made this gorgeous scarf and now I will never take it off, ever.  See , she is an incredible fiber artist and creates things that will make you swoon.

    things like this!

    there it is, all of it.  the fall, the leaves, the air that bites

    the leaves are pretty like gold, like rust, like lifelines on paper

    It’s a good, good life.





    Felted Nests




    A Year

    (In Red)




    Only Photographs





    So Much To Say

    We have been out in the fall air, playing with leaves and watching the world ready itself for winter.   The garden is nearly finished, although it has yet to frost and so the peppers, eggplant, squash, carrots and herbs continue to grow.   We have harvested nearly everything else and have canned 75 meals worth of tomatoes and the freezer brims and the pantry groans (in a good way) .

    Roo helped me find treasures outside today

    It is all so beautiful, so mysterious

    she is changing as i look at her, perhaps even while i tell you this; that she changes while she sleeps and breathes and rests her head on my chest.

    there she is, all of her, every possibility right there

    we make bread because it warms the kitchen and it is good to make bread and it pleases us

    Jesse cannot wait for winter; he cannot wait for the cold, cold snows and the ice and the slippery slidy-ness of things  and the architectural potential in the frosty heaps.

    she is a beautiful blur

    I feel the ease of fall upon me; the summer’s work done and the wood stacked and the cool months stretch out ahead and soon there will be more time for knitting and felting and writing and playing games with the kids. 

    I love the summer here but winter brings it’s own gift; permission to work inside and look inward and contemplate.


    I am ready.



    I Fall For Fall

    (again and again and again)


    Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.  ~Albert Camus



    Self Portrait Challenge

    (October’s challenge: food)



    Chili peppers as hot fashion accessory




    I like to play with my food.



    Caption Contest!!!

    (with a real, honest-to-goodness prize!)


    This picture screams for a caption, please help me name it!

    The winner will be chosen by Monday night, 6:00 PM EST and will be awarded their choice of felted hair goody, pendant or pin from my scrumptious Etsy store.

     ETA Tues : see newest post to vote for your favorites, thanks for all of your submissions!!



    Happy Birthday Jesse!


    it was a perfect day for going out to breakfast and playing games and having a party and making pizzas and going on a treasure hunt and running and whooping and playing with new transformers and snuggling up with good books and celebrating the joys of being eight.

    it was also a perfect day for a five layer cake

    luckily, today is also a perfect day for cake

    Come on over, we have extras by the truckload.



    Skunks,  Headbands, Hula Hoops and Everyday Excitement

    (now with scratch and sniff for a more realistic blogging experience)

    stinky pups

    The dogs had a disagreement with a skunk last night and lost.  When you lose an argument with a skunk you not only feel embarrassed, you stink, too.  The puppies were both sprayed in the face and it is incredibly hard to get the smellification  out.  I did some reading and found out that tomato juice does not actually neutralize the odor, it merely masks it so I made a paste out of mild dish liquid and baking soda and smeared it all over them and let it soak for a bit.  Good times, good times.

    They will be sleeping in the kitchen for a few nights, at least.


    Roo keeps busy

    Jesse has been quiet and pensive lately; he thinks deeply at times and needs the silence to process it all. I know how he feels.

    I am canning things and freezing vegetables and felting birds wearing small holiday hats on them to sell as ornaments and share as gifts.

    cheep, cheep.

    I am still somewhat sick.  My lung infection and asthma have not cleared and it has been nearly 6 weeks.  I still use the inhaler 3-5 times a day to catch my breath and I am a bit worn out from this.  I tire easily and want to feel like myself again.  sigh.  But I manage and am doing all I can to keep my immunity up.  I am learning to say no to things that drain me physically and mentally but baby steps take time.


    That said, the air is crisp and the leaves are pretty and my children are happy and my honey will be home for the winter soon and the pantry is stocked and my heart is full.

    Full, full, full.