Month: June 2006


    Tired And Busy And Slow

    (an odd trio of delights)


    I am tired to the core.

    I am tired in that sad way where nothing piques my interest enough to move me

    and yet I fail to enjoy being at rest.

    I fidget and dither

    I vibrate from the boredom.

    I wonder if my error is in the effort to do everything

    or in my failure to slow down often enough?

    When I get overwhelmed (and I do) I rarely write about it because words fail me when I feel this way.

    But I am choosing to share my feelings this time because I want to put all the pieces of myself here; I don’t want to edit who I am for the sake of interest or beauty.



    Today I am tired and busy and slow.

    the end.





    Flowers Are Purdy











    Paintings 2001-2003

    (a glimpse)





    I know I have posted some of these over the past year; forgive me if you have seen them before but my mind is in a state of review and I am going through these.

    And many of you have only been reading here for 3-6 months and have not seen them.

    I have a great deal more to share but need to break out of my comfort zone a bit before doing so.




     Bad Art, Snails & Puppy Dog Tails

    (it’s all good!)

    Puppy Dog Tails

    Lucy looks pretty small next to the remains of Trevor’s sneakers


    I spend the better part of my day saying, “well look at you, little Lucy-poo”

    yes, it would drive you mad.

    But, look at her!!!


    Roo thinks snails are just overdressed slugs

    (but she will play with them anyway because she is not a snob)



    A Snapping Turtle and a vintage Piano-phone (yard sale find!!)  


    ETA: the pianophone is like an autoharp except it has these bars to change the key while playing.


    Bad Art, Bad Art, Bad, Bad Art.

    (to be sung to the tune of “square pegs, square pegs, square, square pegs”)





    snicker, titter, snort.

    The End.



    Snap, Crackle and

    “POP ART”!!!


    The final challenge for June




    It Doesn’t Get More Scattered Than This.

    (ETA, below)


    • I am going to start painting again (thanks to Juneblue for inspiration)

    uh huh.

    • Jesse wants to know how to say “pig latin” in pig latin.
    •  Roo loves slugs, she really, really adores them    









    • Best yard sale find of the summer (so far):

    (I picked up all of these cds for .50 cents EACH!!!!!)


    (that is less than the price of one!) wahoo!!! 


    How To Eat Watermelon

    (by Roo)

    dig in and chow down


    revel in the sweet and juicy goodness


    walk away when you are full, your work here is done


    The kitchen sink, clean!

    (this is photo-worthy due to it’s RARITY)



    Pictures of My Awkward Self From Age 8-18

    my sister (on the left) and me


    my shirt says, “you caught me at a bad time, I’m awake”


    my friend B and me (on left)


    this one raises so many questions

    my head never did grow into those sunglasses




    goober-rama x 10



    I’m wearing one of my mom’s old dresses from the 60′s and jumping like a crazy girl

    (ETA: don’t I look like Paul McCartney in this one?)


    “ahem, miss?! You are only 18″


    Lets call this one whip-it-good.



    I showed you mine, now you show me yours!!!!




    So Many Moods, So Little Time













    Look, It’s Lucy Mae!

    We picked her up late this morning.

    We gave some loving to Lucy’s mother and told her we would love & care for her baby in the very best way and thanked her for sharing her dear pup.





    We have been playing and snuggling all afternoon.

    Life is pretty rosy when you have others to share the joy


    And there is plenty of Joy to go around.


    (thanks for all the incredible name suggestions, eventually we decided to have Jesse choose his favorite from our list and he “looooves Lucy”!)



    News Flash: Flowers Are Sexy!




    And then, spiders land on them and they are not so sexy but still amazing!



    The Day, in Roo’s Eyes:




    And Jesse’s




    And Garden-y goodness





    The cucumber beetles are out and they are ravaging all  related plants.  My response is to squish as many as humanly possible and sprinkle saved ash all over for prevention.



    What I am trying to say is,

    I like to shake my ash.




    Self-Portrait Challenge





    “pop” goes the fun.